Girl made a delicious smelling blackberry cobbler today.
She didn't offer me any. She never does. I don't know why.
Girl bringed it with us to Boss and Gram's house and offered it to them. They ate some of it. Girl ate 2 helpings herself. Still didn't ask me if I wanted some. I did. Then she stopped by Great Boss and Great Gram's house and offered it to them. They had some of it too!
Then Girl and I got in the car and she told me not to stand on the dessert! How rude!
I should be able to stand on the dessert if I wants to and she hasn't offered me any!
Well, I decided I would do what she seemed to be saying and stayed in the backseat until we got to our street and I then I was so excited about parking... I is always excited about parking and I always help Girl by looking out the passenger side window to make sure she hits the curb....that I jumped right on the dessert!
This fweaked me out (I learned that word from my friend, Miss Madelyn, but I haven't got the arm motions down quite yet) and I jumped on the passenger door handle, but I was too big and my feets were all slippery with blackberry cobbler goo that I slipped right off into the dessert again! That dish of cobbler was so slippery to try to run in, but finally I gots out of it and jumped to safety in the backseat.
....And, can you believe it, Girl still never asked me if I wanted any blackberry cobbler!
I doesn't want it anymore, somebody's feet has been in it!